When they were babies, we watched them constantly to make sure they didn’t fall off the couch, or fall down steps, or fall in the pool. We prevented what could have been a tragedy.
Now, our job is to protect them against someone who is trying to bring life-threatening dangers directly them.
Children are influenced by two groups: their peers and their parents. And parents can help shape peer groups.
As a parent, you have the incredibly important and increasingly difficult responsibility of keeping your child out of harm's way. And that job gets harder and harder the older and more independent they get—especially when it comes to the societal pressures around drug use.
If you can get your child to the age of 21 without ever initiating the use of dangerous and illegal drugs, the chances your child will ever start are practically zero.
Don’t worry. We’re here to help.
Play video below to listen to the founding members of our coalition, whose personal experiences have inspired them to create a positive impact in our community.


It's no different than adults choosing not to speed when they know there's a radar. They're less likely to try something if they think they'll get in trouble.

How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid is a fantastic book from the founder of the National Center on Addition and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Joseph A. Califano Jr.
Hear the Real Stories
Too many of us are devastated by the never-ending heartbreak and funerals caused by drug abuse and poisonings. It’s everywhere. None of us are alone in fighting this battle, and it’s time to take action.

The Parents Prevention Playbook
You are not alone in wanting to provide the best for your child. Get the resources you need and learn how to detect early signs before your child gets in with the wrong crowd.
This free resource is a starting point on your drug prevention journey that will save lives.
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